Müv Dance & Fitness Studio Presents
Müv Ballet Intensive
June 17-20
12:00 PM – 4:00 PM
REQUIREMENTS (For non-company members)
Submission for non-company members will need to include the following:
- Headshot
- 1st arabesque photo
- The video should not exceed 5 minutes of Adagio, pirouette from the corner, medium allegro, and grande allegro, including right and left sides.
- Emailed to elena@muv678.com by May 17th
Müv Studio @ The Crossover
1717 Scottsdale Drive
Leander, TX 78641
June 17-20
12:00 PM – 4:00 PM
REQUIREMENTS (For non-company members)
Submission for non-company members will need to include the following:
- Headshot
- 1st arabesque photo
- The video should not exceed 5 minutes of Adagio, pirouette from the corner, medium allegro, and grande allegro, including right and left sides.
- Emailed to elena@muv678.com by May 17th
Müv Studio @ The Crossover
1717 Scottsdale Drive
Leander, TX 78641