Tuition Policies

  • Tuition rates listed are effective for the Fall 2024 – Spring 2025.  Semester beginning August 12, 2024

  • Tuition Sibling Discount:

    • 5% for 2nd sibling
    • 10% for 3rd sibling on
  • Monthly Tuition is due ON OR BEFORE THE 1ST OF THE MONTH

  • A $25.00 late fee will automatically be added to your account if tuition is not received by the 7th of the month

  • A $35.00 fee will be added to your account for any returned checks

  • To cancel/drop a Fall-Spring class, the Müv Dance & Fitness Studio must receive a 30 DAY WRITTEN NOTICE.

  • Summer Drop-Ins are Non-Refundable and Non-Transferrable

  • Müv Dance & Fitness Studio accepts payments in check or credit cards.

  • Fall-Spring make-up classes can be scheduled when a dancer misses their regularly scheduled class and for our single-day holidays (ex. Labor Day, Halloween, Good Friday, etc).  You have 2 weeks from your absence date to make up class.  To schedule your makeup class, email with your make-up class of choice and the date of their make-up.

  • If a class has only 1 or 2 dancers show, class time may be reduced by 10 to 15 minutes.

  • Tuition will not change due to the actual amount of weeks in the month or due to absences.

  • Students (whose tuition is delinquent for more than 30 days) may be unable to participate until the issue is resolved.

  • Students are not permitted into class after 15 minutes of class start time.